U.S. and Allies Affirm Global 6G Development Principles.

On February 26, the United States, along with 9 international allies including Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, released a joint statement on the global development of 6G networks. This agreement comes amidst the intensifying race between the United States and China to build the next-generation wireless network.

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National Security and Privacy at the Forefront

The joint statement outlines fundamental principles for the global 6G communication system, with a focus on ensuring national security and privacy. Emphasizing the use of reliable technology to mitigate security risks and uphold privacy standards globally.

Revolutionizing Communication

6G networks promise a revolutionary shift in communication, with data transmission speeds up to 50 times faster than 5G and latency reduced to 1/10th of the previous network. Priorities are set on superior aspects such as speed, connection volume, mobility, and spectrum efficiency.

Development Principles and International Collaboration

The development principles for the global 6G network include the necessity of developing safe, resilient, and cost-effective technology. Additionally, the statement calls for international collaboration and open innovation to ensure that 6G is globally accessible, sustainable, and competitive.

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Notable Absence of China

In the midst of the escalating race for 6G development, the joint statement by the U.S. and its allies notably excludes China, a country that has made significant strides in the field of wireless communication. While this may be perceived as an effort to impede China’s 6G development, experts also note that China, with its advantages, is likely to continue developing 6G independently.

Reaction in the Chinese Financial Market

This information has generated interest and positive reactions in the Chinese financial market. Stocks of Chinese telecommunications companies experienced substantial increases, with notable gains for ZTE, a company actively involved in 6G research and publications on potential 6G applications.

Conclusion and Future Prospects

The race for 6G development is becoming a crucial component of the global industrial strategy. Amidst international competition and collaboration, clearly defining development principles and objectives is crucial. While the U.S. and its allies focus on national security and privacy, the Chinese market continues to maintain its influence through independent innovation. The competition and collaboration among nations and global enterprises promise an intriguing future for 6G and the telecommunications industry.

Note: This article utilizes information, images from SCMP, WSJ.


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