Optic ID: Unique Biometric Authentication Technology from Apple, Inheriting the Essence of Touch ID and Face ID

Following the success of Touch ID on MacBook and Face ID on iPhone, Optic ID on Apple’s Vision Pro introduces a distinctive biometric recognition technology specializing in eye authentication in virtual reality glasses.

Apple Optic ID 2024 review

Optic ID not only facilitates fast unlocking of Vision Pro but also authenticates Apple Pay, logins to third-party apps, and manages access to sensitive personal data. Apps supporting Face ID and Touch ID on iPhone and iPad will automatically extend their support to Optic ID, becoming a mandatory requirement when using your Persona.

This innovative technology provides a visual and secure authentication experience, utilizing data from your eyes, supported by a high-performance eye-tracking system from LED sensors and infrared cameras within the Apple Vision Pro. Apple ensures that Optic ID automatically adjusts after each successful authentication, ensuring the safety of biometric data.

Utilizing advanced “hardware and software,” Optic ID complies with international safety standards and does not harm the eyes or skin. The authentication process using infrared light is safely adjusted, capturing eye images and processing them on the Secure Enclave security processor.

apple Optic ID review

Apple’s Optic ID can scan both eyes, but users have the option to use only one eye. If desired, they can also completely disable Optic ID and switch to using a passcode.

Apple assesses the probability of someone randomly unlocking Vision Pro with Optic ID to be less than 1/1,000,000, similar to Face ID. Optic ID allows users to test up to 5 times before requiring a password and provides additional protection by wiping data after 10 consecutive failed password attempts.

Similar to Touch ID and Face ID, Optic ID cannot be used for authentication if 1) Vision Pro has just been turned on or restarted; 2) Vision Pro has not been unlocked for more than 48 hours; or 3) the passcode has not been used for 6.5 days and Optic ID has not unlocked the device in the last 4 hours.


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